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金融小知識:什麼是避險貨幣 (Safe-Haven Currency)?

這是 今天的「今日問答 (Question and Answer of the Day)」專欄主題,個人覺得這個主題相當有趣,和金融市場最近的氛圍有某種程度的關聯,就隨手把內容給翻譯成中文,希望對各位有所幫助。

What is a safe-haven currency?

什麼是避險貨幣 (Safe-Haven Currency)?

A safe-haven currency is one that is perceived by the markets to be a store of value. In times of extreme risk aversion, currencies like the Swiss franc, the US dollar, and the Japanese yen are favored. When the markets are confident and in risk taking mode, these currencies are sold as carry traders seek yield.

避險貨幣是市場人士用來保存價值的一種貨幣。在極端風險規避的情況下,像瑞士法郎 (Swiss Franc)、美國美元 (US Dollar) 和日圓 (Japanese Yen) 等貨幣便會受到這些人的歡迎。當市場人士確信或已經處於風險接受的模式下,想要利用套利來追求收益的人,就會為進行利差交易 (carry trade) 而出售這些貨幣。

