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金價上看每盎司 5,000 元 (美金)?



關於未來的金價,從這篇文章 (英文) 當中,可以看相當有趣的統計數據:133 位分析師當中,有 90 位認為金價上看 5,000 元,甚至還會更高。

而以下這篇文章的作者,則以歷史資料來佐證自己的論點,認為黃金在不久的將來,就可以看到高達 5,000 元的價位...

Gold Headed to $5,000 per Ounce? (按一下即可檢視原文)

金價直奔每盎司 5,000 元?

After writing an article about the platinum-to-gold ratio, I decided to do more with the Excel sheet, like calculating correlations and plotting the price charts for example.

撰寫完關於白金/金價比的文章之後,我決定用 Excel 工作表寫下更多內容,例如計算相關係數並繪製價格表作為範例。

In this article, I will just focus on the gold price. Here we go, the monthly average gold price since January 1968:

在這篇文章當中,我只將重點放在金價。開始囉,來看自 1968 年起的平均金價:


It looks a bit bubbly, right? If you think this looks like a bubble, then please have a look at this log-scaled chart, which looks far from bubbly:



The thing I observed was that the price action in gold from early 2000 until today was similar to the price action from 1968 until April 1979. Let me show you:

觀察 2000 年初到現在的金價變化,個人認為和 1968 年到 1979 年 4 月的金價變化類似。讓我證明給你看:


One might argue that the price action from 1972 until 1975 is not similar. I agree. However, the correlation between the gold price from 1968 until 1979 and the gold price from early 2000 until today is an amazing 89.65%.

有一個地方可能會有爭議,就是 2000 年初到現在的金價變化,和 1972 年到 1975 年間的變化並不相似,這點我認同。不過,從 1968 年到 1979 年和 2000 年初到現在的金價,兩者的相關係數高達 89.65%。

Now what else did I notice? That the price action from November 1975 until April 1979 is almost exactly the same as the price action from January 2008 until today. To show you, here is a chart:

現在,還有哪些地方我沒提到?從 1975 年 11 月到 1979 年 4 月間的金價變化,和 2008 年 1 月到現在的金價變化幾乎完全相同。為了證明給你看,請看這張圖表:


If this monthly chart was not convincing enough, here is a weekly chart (click the chart to enlarge):

如果你認為這張月線圖沒辦法說服你,請看這張週線圖 (按一下圖表放大):


Chart created with

利用 的資料所建立的圖表

How high do you think the correlation between both periods is (measured on a monthly basis)?
That’s right, an astonishing 97.83%!

你認為這兩個期間的相關係數有多高 (用月份資料來計算)?
沒錯,相關係數高到嚇死人,高達 97.83%!

Don't believe me? Here is the Excel sheet I used, with data from

不相信我嗎?這是我利用 的資料所製作的 Excel 工作表 (按一下即可下載)。

So what would be a price target for gold, based on the 1981 intraday high of $873 per ounce if the correlation would hold?

那麼,如果用這麼高的相關係數來判斷,以 1981 年盤中每盎司 873 元的高點為依據,未來的目標金價應該是多少?

That's right, $5,000 per ounce:

沒錯,每盎司 5,000 元:


Now you have another way to look at Martin Armstrong's and many other analysts' prediction of $5,000 gold.

現在你可以用另一種眼光,來看待 Martin Armstrong (某個知名經濟學家) 和許多其他分析師預測的 5,000 元金價。

Willem Weytjens, originally from Belgium, is currently living in Oslo, Norway. He has been an active investor for over 12 years, forecasting the latest financial crisis, rise in gold & silver prices etc. He recently founded his own company, Profitimes, enabling him to spend all of his time dealing with financial markets.

Willem Weytjens 來自比利時,目前居住在挪威的奧斯陸。過去的 12 年間,他是個積極的投資人,曾經預測到最近的金融危機、金/銀價上揚等。他最近自行成立了 Profitimes 這間公司,讓他可以全心經營金融市場的業務。

※文章內的價格單位都是美金 (USD)。


